What is a medical conference?

A medical conference is an event gathering healthcare professionals (e.g. physicians, researchers, nurses), at a local, national or international level. These events aim to connect specialists to discuss advances and new therapeutics in a specific medical area: pediatrics, neurology, gynecology. These conferences are usually annual events, but occurring in different locations.

What is a PCO?

PCO stands for Professional Congress Organizer. It is the term used for companies specialized in even management for associations or Scientific Societies. ANT Congres is a PCO specialized in medical events.   

What is a Scientific Society?

A Scientific Society is defined by Régis Bertrand (What is a Scientific Society, CTHS, Bulletin de liaison des sociétés savantes, n°1) as an association producing and disseminating research or a group organized in a given scientific discipline where members have the objective to publish their works, improve knowledge in their field of interest, ensure training and research, disseminate the results of their activities as well as supporting and promoting their filed. 

What is continuing professional development (CPD)?

A continuing professional development (CPD) system has been developed in France to help healthcare professionals maintain, update and enhance their professional practices and skills. It aims to provide the healthcare community with high quality, evidence-based continuing education programs that support the delivery of optimal care for the patients and the achievement of public health objectives. Every healthcare professional must attend CPD courses or events to fulfill its triennial obligation.

Source: https://www.agencedpc.fr/en/continuing-professional-development-cpd-france

What is CME?

CME stands for “Continuing Medical Education”. CME credits are attributed to educational events enabling the development and updating of physicians’ knowledge and competencies in clinical practice. In Europe, a conference will be accredited by the UEMS-EACCME® if it presents with a high scientific content, educational approach and no conflict of interest with the industry.   

For example, the EPIPED-EEG class organized in Bologna in 2020 was allocated 42 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the EACCME.

What is MedTech?

The “Conference Vetting System” or CVS is a unique initiative in the healthcare industry.  It is a centralized decision-making system that encourages transparency and consistency in medical education events.

The MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice became binding for MedTech Europe corporate members on 1st January 2017, regulates all aspects of the
industry’s relationship with Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and Healthcare
Organizations (HCOs).

The ethical charter is available here : https://www.ethicalmedtech.eu/ethical-charter/general-overview/

What is a call for abstracts?

A call for abstracts is the opportunity for healthcare professionals to share their research work during a medical conference. Abstracts submitted can be presented as oral communications or poster presentations, after a strict and peer-review selection by a Scientific Committee.

How much time is needed to organize a conference?

Just like Rome, a conference is not built in a day! We will do our best to meet your specifications and expectations, but it is important to allocate a realistic timeline to prepare a conference. We work as a team to propose a tailor-made event. 


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