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- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 15 - 17 2025
34th Congress of the French Society of Pediatric Neurology: SFNP 2025
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are delighted to welcome you to Lyon, the City of Lights, 14 years after the last edition, for the 34th Congress of the French Society of Pediatric Neurology from January 15 to 17, 2025.
The transversal dimension of cognitive disorders within all neurological pathologies will be our central theme, reflecting the historical involvement of the Lyon Pediatric Neurology team in this area. Gastronomy, inseparable from the city of Lyon, will also be part of the program…
The diversity of topics covered illustrates the richness and variety of Pediatric Neurology and its progress in recent years, particularly in the fields of rare diseases and innovative therapies.
On Wednesday, you will find the traditional day organized by the cognition commission, as well as a session dedicated to Neuro-Ophthalmology. This year, the day dedicated to healthcare professionals will revolve around the theme of palliative care within a pediatric neurology service.
Additionally, our scientific commissions have prepared high-quality continuing education courses in pediatric neurology and “research” sessions on cutting-edge topics relevant to our daily practice.
And above all, don’t forget to enjoy the charms of the city of Lyon, immersing yourself in its two thousand years of history, from Roman ruins to the medieval and Renaissance quarters. Admire the banks of the Saône adorned with ochre and pink hues, or stroll along the banks of the Rhône.
Allow yourself to wander and explore the streets of Old Lyon, and share a “mâchon” accompanied by a “p’tit pot” in a bouchon, whether in small or large groups…
The Lyonnais welcome you warmly, hoping to share these wonderful days with you!
The Lyon Pediatric Neurology Team
Event Date
The 34th Congress of the French Society of Pediatric Neurology will take place from January 15 to 17, 2025, in Lyon.
Discover the preliminary program by clicking here.
Call for Abstracts
The call for communications is closed.
Registrations are now open. To register, please click here.
Enjoy the preferential rate until November 7, 2024.
Practical Information
Find all the information related to the congress by clicking here.